小林観光ブルーベリー園 Kobayashikanko Blueberry Orchards

小林観光ブルーベリー園 Kobayashikanko Blueberry Orchards

特定商取引法に基づく表記 Act on Specified Commercial Transactions

販売業者 The seller
小林観光ブルーベリー園 Kobayashikanko Blueberry Orchards
販売責任者名 Name of sales manager
小林 公子(こばやし きみこ) Kimiko Kobayashi
所在地 Location
〒689-3212 鳥取県西伯郡大山町門前996 996 Monzen, Daisen-chō, Saihaku-gun, Tottori-ken 689-3213
営業時間内:TEL 0859-54-4757
営業時間外:TEL 0859-54-4007(自宅)
Within business hours:TEL 0859-54-4757
Outside hours:TEL 0859-54-4007(home)
メールアドレス Mail address
ホームページ Website
ご注文方法 How to order
「オンラインショップ」ページに設置したSSL暗号化対応のショッピングカート An SSL encryption-enabled shopping cart installed on the “Online Shop” page
商品代金 Commodity price
各商品ページに記載しております。 It is described on each product page.
商品代金以外の必要料金 Required fee other than item price
送料 Shipping cost
送料 Shipping cost
北海道:2203円 / 東北:1771円 / 関東:1555円 / 信越・中部・北陸:1447円
中国・隠岐 / 島根・鳥取:1339円 / 関西:1339円 / 四国・九州:1339円 / 沖縄:2095円
Hokkaido: 2203 yen / Tohoku: 1771 yen / Kanto: 1555 yen / Shin-Etsu, Chubu, Hokuriku: 1447 yen
Chugoku · Oki / Shimane · Tottori: 1339 yen / Kansai: 1339 yen / Shikoku · Kyushu: 1339 yen / Okinawa: 2095 yen
Other remote island: I will inform you separately.
引き渡し時期 Delivery time
We will ship within 2-3 days after ordering. (For orders after 15 o’clock on Saturday, we will ship within 2 ~ 3 days from Monday.)
お支払い方法 Payment method

◎ Price exchange (cash on delivery)
Please pay the delivery fee and the commission when receiving the goods.
◎ Postal transfer
We will send you a transfer form with the product. Please transfer the price within 7 days after arrival.
◎ Credit card

The above credit card is available
お支払い期限 Payment deadline
■代金引換:商品到着時 ■郵便振替:商品到着後7日以内 ■ Cash on delivery: at the time of goods arrival ■ Postal transfer: within 7 days after delivery
返品 Returns
We are committed to quality control of products, but if there are any problems you have noticed, please contact us within 7 days after delivery.
I will exchange it for a new item. In addition, due to the nature of the product, we basically do not correspond to returned goods due to customer circumstances, so we appreciate your understanding beforehand.
· Please return returned goods within 8 days after arrival. Please return the replacement within 8 days after arrival.
· If the item is damaged at the time of delivery or an item different from the order arrives, please return it within 8 days after arrival. I will replace it. In this case, our shipping fee will be borne by us.
· In the case of return / exchange due to customer’s convenience, the return fee will be borne by the customer.
取扱商品 Products
ブルーベリー、ブルーベリー加工品 Blueberry, blueberry processed items

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