小林観光ブルーベリー園 Kobayashikanko Blueberry Orchards

小林観光ブルーベリー園 Kobayashikanko Blueberry Orchards

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ブルーベリー(生食用) Blueberry (Eating raw)

  • 生ブルーベリー 1kg(250g×4パック) Raw blueberries 1 kg (250 g × 4 pack)

    ¥3,672 (税込) (including tax) 送料別 By Shipping

    通気性の良いパックに1粒1粒手摘みした完熟ブルーベリーを250gずつパック詰めしました。小分けにパック詰めされており、商品が届いてすぐ冷蔵庫等で保存できる人気商品です。 We packed 250g of each hand-picked ripe blueberry into a breathable pack. It is packed into small pieces and is a popular item that can be stored in a refrigerator etc immediately after the item arrives.

    ※ The shipping date will be from the beginning of June to the end of August.
    ※ There are times when shipping is not possible due to the actual ripeness and weather conditions.

  • 生ブルーベリー 2kg(250g×8パック) Raw blueberries 2 kg (250 g × 8 pack)

    ¥6,912 (税込) (including tax) 送料別 By Shipping

    通気性の良いパックに1粒1粒手摘みした完熟ブルーベリーを250gずつパック詰めしました。小分けにパック詰めされており、商品が届いてすぐ冷蔵庫等で保存できる人気商品です。 We packed 250g of each hand-picked ripe blueberry into a breathable pack. It is packed into small pieces and is a popular item that can be stored in a refrigerator etc immediately after the item arrives.

    ※ The shipping date will be from the beginning of June to the end of August.
    ※ There are times when shipping is not possible due to the actual ripeness and weather conditions.

  • 生ブルーベリー 2kg Raw blueberries 2 kg

    ¥6,100 (税込) (including tax) 送料別 By Shipping

    丁寧に手摘みした生食用のブルーベリーをお求めやすくご提供するために、バラで箱詰めしたお得な商品です。 In order to provide affordable, carefully hand-picked raw blueberries for sale, it is a valuable commodity boxed with roses.

    ※ The shipping date will be from the beginning of June to the end of August.
    ※ There are times when shipping is not possible due to the actual ripeness and weather conditions.
